Solar Energy Tender

  1. Introduction

1.1 Project Overview
This tender is issued by Swadlincote Electrical Supplies for the design, supply, installation, and commissioning of a solar photovoltaic (PV) system at Swadlincote Elcetrical Supplies. The purpose of this project is to harness solar energy to reduce energy costs and promote environmental sustainability.

1.2 Tender Objective
The objective of this tender is to invite proposals from qualified and experienced solar installation contractors to undertake the complete solar PV installation project.

  1. Scope of Work

2.1 Site Assessment
Conduct a comprehensive site assessment to determine the optimal design and placement of the solar PV system.

2.2 System Design
Design a solar PV system that meets the energy requirements of the site, considering factors such as energy consumption patterns, roof space, shading, and local regulations.

2.3 Supply of Equipment
Provide all necessary solar PV panels, inverters, mounting structures, wiring, and other related equipment.

2.4 Installation and Commissioning
Carry out the installation and commissioning of the solar PV system, ensuring all components are correctly installed and functioning as intended.

2.5 Maintenance and Support
Provide a maintenance plan and after-sales support for a period of [Specify Duration, e.g., 5 years], including regular inspections, cleaning, and repairs as needed.

  1. Technical Requirements

3.1 System Capacity
The solar PV system should have capacity to meet the energy needs of the facility.

3.2 Equipment Standards
All equipment supplied must comply with international standards and should be from reputable manufacturers with proven track records.

3.3 Installation Standards
Installation must adhere to local building codes and regulations, ensuring safety and compliance with electrical standards and installers should be MCS approved.

  1. Submission Requirements

4.1 Company Profile
Provide a detailed company profile, including relevant experience, certifications, and references for similar projects.

4.2 Technical Proposal
Submit a comprehensive technical proposal detailing the system design, components to be used, installation methodology, and timeline.

4.3 Financial Proposal
Include a detailed financial proposal with a breakdown of costs for equipment, installation, commissioning, and maintenance.

4.4 Project Timeline
Provide a detailed project timeline, from the date of award to the final commissioning of the solar PV system.

  1. Evaluation Criteria

5.1 Technical Expertise
Evaluation of the bidder's experience and technical expertise in similar solar PV projects.

5.2 Financial Proposal
Assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the financial proposal, including the total cost of ownership.

5.3 Quality of Equipment
Review of the quality and reliability of the proposed equipment and components.

5.4 Project Timeline
Consideration of the proposed timeline and the bidder’s ability to meet project deadlines.

  1. Terms and Conditions

6.1 Contractual Agreement
The successful bidder will be required to enter into a formal contract with Swadlincote Electrical Supplies outlining the terms and conditions of the project.

6.2 Payment Terms
Payment terms will be based on project milestones, with payments made upon successful completion of each milestone.

6.3 Performance Guarantee
The bidder must provide a performance guarantee to ensure the system meets the specified performance metrics.

6.4 Warranty
The bidder must offer a minimum warranty period of 5 years on the solar PV panels and other components.

  1. Submission Deadline

All proposals must be submitted by 31/05/2024 to [email protected] Late submissions will not be considered.

  1. Contact Information

For any queries or additional information, please contact:

Stephen Morley
Swadlincote Electrical Supplies
[email protected]
01283 224571